Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weston's Words

The past few years, I have been privileged to be a part of the WAY Choir (Western All-State Youth Choir). This past tour, was truly the most life-changing experience I have ever experienced. Every part of the tour was ordained by God and I am truly humbled that I was a part. The first time I realized that this would not be an ordinary choir tour, was when we were practicing Monday night and the Holy Ghost fell upon the room in a powerful way. From that night on my perspective about the WAY Choir changed.
Then, Bro. Fitzpatrick introduced devotions and singing on the bus. I was skeptical about this at first, but once again we were visited by the Holy Ghost. Every time we called His name He would bless us with His presence. It was amazing that in every church we visited we were used of God to minister to that congregation's specific needs. Every service was different but each was powerful. I personally have felt growth in my life because I was able to reach out to people who needed a touch. It was a blessing that members of the choir would be sensitive enough to sense people in the congregation that had needs and minister to their needs, often times in the middle of a song.
God had his hand on us throughout the tour and even though the devil tried to get us down when he used someone to steal all the girls' money, God turned it around for His glory. The very next night in Eureka we were given an offering that more than replaced what was stolen! God is good! It was also awesome to see that Bro. Allard was able to share that situation as a testimony of God's faithfulness when he was taking a God-ordained sacrificial offering in Redding.
Leadership that we had in the Fitzpatricks and the Allards was amazing! I am so glad they they were sensitive to God's will for this tour. We could have never been a success without their ministry and leadership. I am thankful for their vision!
I personally have felt challenged, blessed, and ministered to on this tour. I praise God for every backslider that prayed through, every person that received the Holy Ghost for the first time, every miracle of healing, every baptism, and every consecration that was made. I know I will never be able to revert back to the spiritual rut I was in before this tour. I thank God for all the friends that I was able to make during this tour. I know that the spiritual bonds that were created will last for my whole life.

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