Monday, June 23, 2008

Tyler Talks

I started laughing my head off in the middle of church the other day, because somebody said "Oh my God," and all I could think of in my head was Brian saying the ever-so-popular phrase "Oh my Jesus" and "the devil is a liar." People just kind of looked at me and moved to another pew. Had a great time this year on tour. Met some new friends, learned some things, met some great people and experienced a faith that I have never experienced before. I truly believe with all my heart that if we will continue to be broken, God will continue to use us in ways and take us places that are unimaginable. God will not use somebody to their full potential unless they are fully broken. Life is short. I choose to be humble. I choose to be broken. I choose to be used of God. Because in this short span of life God has given me to fulfill his purpose .............I don’t have time to waste!! I Iook forward to seeing each and every one of you at campmeeting.


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