Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Coryna's Review

WAY Choir was incredible this year and an experience that I will never forget. First, I want to thank God for the things He did through and for each and every one of us. Before I went on tour, I realize God had been preparing me for it by testing my faith in other situations. So, by the time I got on tour, I had faith that God could do anything. In the Bible it says, that He will pour out His spirit upon all flesh and your young men shall dream dreams and daughters shall see visions and sons will prophesy. Well, I really believe that God fulfilled that scripture in many ways during tour! He's such an awesome God! I can't thank Him enough. I stand in awe that He would use me, just a young person who isn't perfect, and every time I get the chance I tell Him thank You. There is gratefulness that will forever pour out of my heart for the things He did. There were many backsliders prayed through, many received the Holy Ghost, and several baptized in the name of Jesus!!!! Not only that, but I believe with all my heart that almost every church we went to revival is gonna breakout!! What an awesome God!!!! Lastly, there were so many wonderful people on tour. I feel I have gained a truck load of life long friends and you can't put a price on that. Not only were we all friends, but we were all in one mind, one accord in worship and ministering. That is why there was such an awesome presence of God in our concerts. "Where two or three are gathered in my name there in their midst I will be." Again, another promise that God kept. I want to give my deepest appreciation to the leadership that we had on tour. Bro. and Sis. Fitzpatrick are just awesome people. I love you guys so much and look up to you and how you love God and follow Him. You are such a blessing to us young people and I thank you from the very bottom of my heart for the burden you have for todays generation. I also want to thank Bro. and Sis. Allard for helping during practices and for just being there when we needed someone to talk to. I love all of you from the very very bottom of my heart. I pray that God blesses you with a blessing that you cannot contain. I'm sorry this is more than a paragraph but I had so much to say and I'm still not done. If I wrote everything it would turn into a book. To whoever reads this, just to let you know that this little paragraph doesn't do justice to the things that we experienced on WAY Choir tour 2007. However, I hope you are blessed and your faith increases. When you have faith in God anything is possible so just stand on His word and never doubt and He will always come through for you!!! I Love You Jesus!!!
-Coryna Monique Pinon

p.s. Words and phrases we'll never 4get:
croissant pronounced KWASANT- Bro. Fitzpatrick and Bro. Allard
"Jesus help you!", "The Devils's A Liar!", "In Jesus name!", "move these mountains and cast them into the sea", and personal favorite - the ground beef joke for those of you who were there. lol All by Brian Pelham

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