Hi! It's D'Andre! I had the time of my life on WAY Choir Tour 2008. I've never been around so many youth that could sing like this! I mean everywhere I turned I could hear somebody hummin' or singin'. Some of my best memories of this year were in practices. Bro. Fitzpatrick is so full of passion for ministry and every time he spoke to us, it was like hearing preaching. We were constantly fed with WORD and constantly pushed to concentrate. Sis. Fitz was such a nice person and always full of encouraging words. As the week went on, I found myself getting more and more attached to these folks and was like, "How am I gonna say goodbye?? What am I gonna do without the Allards!!??" They made this tour sooooo much fun and taught me so much. Everyone in the choir was in such good hands and everyday was a new experience with new challenges. I had not directed a choir in years! I learned techniques and signals and was so honored to tag-team with my buddy Keith this year. The view of the choir singing under the anointing of the Holy Ghost was overwhelming. I hope to stay in touch with everyone and I love you all as my family. Thanks for embracing the WAY rookie :)
God Bless,